Frequently Asked Questions
Does it contain MMT?
Q: Does CleanBoost Maxx contain MMT?
A: No, CleanBoost Maxx does not contain MMT. Since Maxx is registered for on road use in the United States and approved by the EPA, it could not contain this supplement.
Contact number?
Q: Is there a phone to contact someone?
A: Yes, the number is (801) 569-1068.
Open Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (Mountain time zone).
Does CleanBoost Maxx always work on first time use?
Q: Does CleanBoost Maxx always work the first time I use it?
A: Using our product once or twice is not going to show "Instant Results" in many cases.
Some variables need to be taken in to account.
For example : How many miles are on your engine?
Is it perhaps more than 30,000? Putting in a .5 oz to 16 gallons on an engine that is in need of a fuel system cleaning, or has carbon build up on the valves, pistons, etc. isn't going to produce a monumental positive effect right out of the gate.
CleanBoost Maxx will continue (even in these very small doses) to remove carbon deposits from these components, but you need to give it some time to do it's job.
If you experience a paradox where MPG goes down instead of going up, it means that your engine may have carbon build up. As the product begins to remove these carbon deposits (but not on the 1st or 2nd treatment) you may experience a small milage drop until it has the better opportunity to continue cleaning and removing the deposits and allowing the computer to optimize the fuel/air ratio afterwards.
Results and improvements (on higher mileage cars) tend to get noticed as you rack more miles up and reach the end point of a bottle which treats 480 gallons of fuel.
In all of our experience, including that of my own... is that when I stop using CleanBoost Maxx after running it for a good while (and getting used to its benefits) in all sorts of applications, including daily driver SUV's, high performance turbocharged cars, and rigs for towing heavy loads... I end up noticing that I lose that faster throttle response or quicker miles per hour to the top of an on ramp and that bump in better fuel economy. This always reminds me that it is working as intended.
Is this the product seen on Youtube?
Q: Is the product from your website the actual one that was put in the Honda Civic on YouTube right?
A: Yes, same exact product (CleanBoost Maxx). ChrisFix acquired this directly from us for testing.
I have a 2022 Toyota Tecoma, 2.7 ltr, 4 cyl. Is this product to over the top for my truck or will it work fine?
Not sure which product you're referring to. (Maxx, Fuel Pills, EMT, etc.)
But being perfectly honest, our products generally improve either fuel mileage, power or both when driven responsibly, no matter the vehicle.
That being said, 4 cylinder engines seem to gain the most benefit generally, since they tend to take advantage of the increased burn rate efficiency and BTU's per stroke.
The EMT is perfect for manual transmissions and all non limited-slip differentials.
Not for use in automatic transmissions or clutch type, limited-slip differentials.
Are your products in my location?
Q: Hello, can I find your products in my city's carshop? or you sell it online only?
A: We are selling both online and offline. Currently we're looking for qualified automotive wholesalers to become distributors in the United States. If you want to become one or know someone who would, please send us a message.
Discounts for returning customers?
Q: Do you offer any discounts to customers who order often?
A: Yes we do!
We have implemented a Customer Loyalty & Rewards Program designed specifically to help you benefit even more from our products.
The way it works is easy:
For every $1 you spend, you receive 5 reward points
50 reward point = $.50 discount
All you have to do is shop like you always do. (however, you must create an account and be logged in to your account for proper tracking) You will earn points for each purchase which can be used as a discount on your next order.
Now you can continue to buy your favorite CleanBoost® products and in the meantime receive points that you can use to get a future discount or better yet, save them until you have enough points to receive some free product.
Either way, your vehicle should thank you by providing you with more efficiency and less maintenance as a result.
Thank you for your interest in the customer loyalty program. Click here to get your savings and vehicle protection started now.
Free Samples?
Q: Do you send out Free Samples?
A: We send free samples only to approved YouTube channels or approved marketing campaigns.
If you have a YouTube channel and you would like to get approved we would be happy to do that if you could send us a link using the contact form.
We do have a couple of options that could potentially get you free products in the future.
The First one is our new affiliate program. If you sign up at the link below you can earn 10% back on all purchases made by people that you refer --> insert link here
The other option is our friend referral program. In the friend referral program you earn $5 towards your next purchase when your friend signs up and makes their first purchase. You can find more information at the following link --> link to referral page
Do you have an EPA letter?
Q: Can you send me a copy of the EPA letter and/or information on the fuel pills ?
A: Unfortunately, we have had competitors spoof our EPA numbers and run in other countries and it causes us a lot of headaches and costs to get this stopped.
So we would rather not publicly publish our EPA registration. However, rest assured that pursuant to August 10, 2010, CleanBoost® Maxx™ Fuel Additive has been tested and registered per 40CFR79.23 by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States.
CleanBoost Maxx smaller bottle?
Q: I want to buy the 128 oz bottle of clean boost maxx but also want the convenience of the smaller bottles that have the squeeze portioner. Can you include an empty 8 or 16 oz bottle with the order?
A: Yes, we can do either empty bottle, 8 or 16 oz. We would just need to cover our cost of the bottle by adding a $2 charge to the order.
Q: Is there a money back guarantee on this product?
A: If you're not completely satisfied, we will refund your money. Please see our hassle-free return policy for details here:
CleanBoost Maxx O2 sensor safe?
Q: Is CleanBoost Maxx O2 sensor safe?
A: Yes, Since CleanBoost Maxx is EPA approved, that is one of the main criteria that our additive had to pass without a doubt.
In essence, because Maxx uses no additives that are harmful to any emission components, it is safe to use in all 50 states and in all vehicles.
Do you add it at every fill up?
Q: Do you have to add this every time you fill your tank to see increase in horsepower or for the product to work? Or is it a once a month thing or what?
A: Yes, you would add Maxx to every tank at the rate of 1 oz. to every 30 gallons of fuel to continue to see the benefits of more horsepower or better gas mileage.
What is CleanBoost Maxx?
For Technical Geeks:
CleanBoost® Fuel Treatments are US EPA registered and tested by Southwest Research Institute. CleanBoost® Maxx™ has been used safely in standard on-road fuels and engines for over 20 years.
The products are based on a proprietary nano-technology that introduces a very small amount of highly purified catalysts into the fuel, where it reduces the ignition threshold, so that more of the fuel’s chemical energy is released into a burst of concentrated kinetic energy at the crankshaft.
Less of the fuel is wasted as heat and the result is more power. This extra power can be used to do more work faster, or to do the same work with less fuel, which results in fuel savings.
Less un-burned fuel leaves the combustion chambers as soot... which keeps exhaust valves, turbos and exhaust systems cleaner.
The end result is that CleanBoost® keeps an engine performing at peak levels for much longer.
For Non-Techies:
CleanBoost® Fuel Treatments are US EPA registered and have been rigorously tested and used for over 20 years. CleanBoost® Maxx™ contains a catalyst that allows the fuel to burn with more energy as less fuel is wasted as heat. This results in more power and torque as well as better MPG when your vehicle is driven responsibly.
Empty bottles?
Q: Do you sell the empty bottles with the 1 oz measure? any size 8, 16, 32?
A: We sell an empty 16 oz bottle (which includes the measure) for $2.00 with the purchase of the 128 oz. (gallon) size of CleanBoost Maxx.
Why is my Maxx that I received a Different Color than what is on your Website?
Q: I just recently made a purchase with you guys and I ordered two of the 16oz bottles and the gallon of the Maxx Fuel Supplement.
It seems that the two 16oz bottles have an entirely different color compared to the gallon which is a somewhat greenish color.
The 16oz bottles have a very orange color to them and I think it is indicative of your anti-gel fuel supplement for the sno-cat.
I am pretty sure that these 16oz bottles don’t have the proper fuel additive I paid for. If you guys can remedy this as soon as possible, that would be much appreciated.
A: Thank you for your inquiry and order. The 16 oz. CleanBoost® Maxx™ Fuel Supplements you received are part of a running product color change.
We were using a 'green' petroleum dye in Maxx™ and have found the dye to not be necessary as part of our product line, so we are removing this petroleum dye on a running product change. This change does not affect the performance of Maxx™ at all and is the same exact formulation with and without the dye. Soon, we will be updating all of our product photos on our website to reflect this change as we run through our current inventory.
Please rest assured that it is link here
How does CleanBoost Maxx work?
Q: I just had some questions about your product and how it works to make more power.What exactly is the additive doing and how does it help make more power?
I know only to make more power you need more air and more fuel.
A: It's really quite simple how Maxx works. It is first and foremost a combustion catalyst. It works by making fuel burn with more energy. So you don't always need more air and/or fuel to make more power when you can take an existing fuel and make it explode with more energy... that's it. The benefits are more efficient combustion which produces more energy and less emissions per unit of fuel burned.
You'll always have skeptics and naysayers mostly because there are so many fuel additives on the market that either don't work or make very little difference. Our product works and has taken years to perfect.
Sample bottle?
Q: I saw your product on ChrisFix's youtube. I would love to try some out, but I don't want to commit to an 8oz bottle. Do you have any sample bottle?
A: We have the 1 oz. shot of Maxx up on our site for a very affordable $6.97 and Free Shipping. (no tracking number).
Click here -->
Do you have any current promotions product offered?
We offer the following promos 24/7:
We offer Free Shipping and package tracking.
We also offer our Customer Loyalty Program - earn points towards all future purchases - be sure to create your free account to earn points.
Is CleanBoost MAXX flammable?
Q: I am interested in buying your MAXX FUEL ADDITIVE to give it a try with my car. Because I need to bring it as a checked baggage on a flight, I wonder if this product is flammable or not?
A: Maxx Fuel Additive is not flammable. It is combustible (therefore it needs another fuel mixed with it to become flammable).
For checked baggage, be sure to put your Maxx in a ziplock bag so that at elevation as the bottle becomes pressurized, it will not get onto your clothes if it were to leak.
How much maxx fuel additive to put inside gas ?
Q: How many liter of "maxx fuel additive" put inside gas ?
A: The mix ratio is 0.030 liter of Maxx to every 3.80 of gasoline. You don't have to be exact however. It takes a fairly small amount of Maxx to treat fuel
Do you have to add this every time you fill your tank?
Q: Do you have to add this every time you fill your tank to see increase in horsepower or for the product to work? Or is it a once a month thing or what?
A: Yes, you would add Maxx to every tank at the rate of 1 oz. to every 30 gallons of fuel to continue to see the benefits of more horsepower or better gas mileage.
Can it be used in a motorcycle as well, or just cars?
Q: Can it be used in a motorcycle as well, or just cars? If so, what would the mix ratio be for a 4.5 gallon tank?
A: Yes, CleanBoost Maxx works very well in all motorcycles, both two and four stroke. The mix ratio is the same at 1 oz. to 30 gallons of fuel, so for your fill up, it will require between an 1/8th oz to 1/4th oz. This ratio should be plenty and provide the same benefits. If you overdoes, it's no big deal... as it doesn't really provide additional benefits because of its concentration.
Are the fuel pills the same as the maxxboost clean?
Q: Are the fuel pills the same as the maxxboost clean?
A: Yes, the CleanBoost Fuel Pills are the same as the CleanBoost Maxx, minus the carrier solvent. Bot function identically otherwise.
Is clean boost maxx safe on v8 cars?
Q: Is clean boost maxx safe on v8 cars i own a 2013 charger srt8?
A: Yes, CleanBoost® Maxx™ is safe on all V8 engines, including high performance applications. CleanBoost® Fuel Treatments are US EPA registered and have been rigorously tested and used for over 20 years. CleanBoost® Maxx™ contains a catalyst that allows the fuel to burn with more energy as less fuel is wasted as heat. This results in more power and torque as well as better MPG when your vehicle is driven responsibly.
Can I take the car in for smog check with fuel pill in my gas?
Q: Can I take the car in for smog check with fuel pill in my gas?
A: Yes, it will not affect emissions testing in a negative way. If anything after you have ran a few tankfuls through it should help you pass an emissions test.
Red/ tan color coating on my valve and spark plugs is that normal?
Q: I notice a tenacious red/ tan color coating on my valve and spark plugs, is that normal?
A: It sounds like you may be over-treating your fuel. Remember that it is one pill per 15 gallons of fuel. However, with that said, yes, this it is normal to have a light red/tan coloring, as most engines that do not burn their fuels in a more complete fashion, always leave a black/soot behind. Whereas with Fuel Pills you are burning more of the un burnt hydrocarbons left behind causing a red/tan coloring of a more complete combustion cycle.
Does the same red/tan coating end up on my oxygen sensor?
Q: Does the same red/tan coating end up on my oxygen sensor and if so will that cause computer to go nuts?
A: It may end up that the tip of your O2 sensor will turn a slight red/tan color due to the explanation above (again, double check you're not over-treating your fuel). On rare occasions it may set an O2 sensor code for a tank or two since deposits are being removed and passed downstream and may land there temporarily. These are normally removed as you continue to use Fuel Pills and the computer will supply the correct amount of air/fuel ratio based upon the reading it is receiving from the O2 sensor. These rare events only occur in engines that are particularly dirty due to bad fuel and/or high mileage.
As a side note, we have customers who will purchase Fuel Pills to turn off an O2 sensor condition (light on dash as well) since Fuel Pills do clean up an overly coated O2 sensor within a couple of tankfuls.
Clean Boost Maxx 16oz but would like to know the price of shipping the cheapest possible for Brazil?
The shipping cost to send the bottle of CleanBoost Maxx 16oz to your doorstep is $80.80.
Are you able to tell me if your CleanBoost® Maxx fuel treatment does any cleaning of the carbon deposits that are on the piston heads?
As you correctly stated, CleanBoost® Maxx fuel treatment does clean the carbon deposits that are on the piston heads!
Also CleanBoost® Maxx is the product that will provide you with more power and/or mpg without your car needing any upgrades.
You can read more about CleanBoost® Maxx in this article -->
What does "extreme pressure" stand for in EP2 Grease?
Q: What is meant by the term extreme pressure in grease.
A: What is meant is that EP2 Grease has a great capability of coping with extreme stresses and wide temperature shifts.
Total life of the grease EP2?
Q: Total life of the grease ep -2 from the date of packing please ?
A: In general we recommend using it within 5 years of packing date. Keep it stored properly in the original sealed container and it will be able to surpass the 5 years if need be.
Why didn't Sno-Cat work?
Q: Why didn't Sno-Cat work? I received the order and i used the product in my truck ( 2005 Ford F250 6.0L ).
I added it to the tank before refilling the tank and after i filled the tank not even two days later my truck stopped running and i had pulled the main fuel filter only to find it plugged up with gelled fuel so i am not happy with my purchase at all it did not do as you say it would do the bottle was only 2 ounces was to keep it from gelling down to -55 and it did not work at all for me caused me to have my truck towed and costed me 125 in a tow bill i am disappointed very much.
A: We received the above question from a customer, who purchased Sno-Cat and wrote the above question and his experience with Sno-Cat. on his Ford F250 6.0 liter diesel. While we certainly sympathize with the unsatisfactory results in this case, there are unfortunately some variables that come into play that will produce this type of result or experience.
Read below to better understand these variables and what you can do to mitigate these as much as possible, especially if you have diesel engine which uses two fuel filters which include a water separator.
It depends where the gelling happened as there are a number of elements that play a role here.
- What was the quality of the fuel you purchased?
- Did the fuel have water present?
- On a 6.0L there are two fuel filters, a water separator on the frame rail and a main filter for the injectors in the engine compartment.
Before adding Sno-Cat, it is advised that you check the condition of the fuel filters and also ensure the the water separator has been drained before filling up with diesel and Sno-Cat.
If there is water in the fuel tank and the additive is added, it will help push the water into the “water separator” on the frame, which will promote gelling.
Another issue to consider... has the gelling occurred in the fuel lines or fuel filter reservoirs?
The product treats only the fuel in the tank and it cannot make it’s way through the entire fuel system before the fuel present there is consumed.
Here are some other tips to help assure your success of not gelling or freezing your fuel:
1. Heat the Sno-Cat first using the heater in your truck. Then pour it in your tank of good quality fuel.
2. The quality of fuel in your tank now, is paramount to keeping fuel from gelling. Fuel sample testing tells us what the current value of fuel is. Summer blended fuels are terrible for this. Take a little bit of your fuel and put it in your freezer to see if it gels right up.
3. Between 6 different samples tested at a third party laboratory, the test results went from 0 degrees to 30 degrees for a baseline fuel. Meaning that there is a huge difference in quality of fuel and it's resistance to gelling from different fuel suppliers. Sno-Cat will move about 20 degrees at a treat ratio of 1:3000. 1:500 will make it double that or better depending on the wax content of the baseline fuel.
4. For extreme conditions, or when in doubt as to fuel quality, treat heavy.
5. Treat ratios vary from 1:250 to 1:4000 depending on your location temperature and fuel quality.
In other words, 1 oz. of Sno-Cat to 15 gallons of fuel, equals a treat ratio of 1:2000 vs. 1 oz. of Sno-Cat to 10 gallons of fuel equals a treat ratio of 1:1000.
In very extreme conditions, you may need to treat either a bad, low quality fuel or sustained sub-zero freezing temperatures at ratios of 1:500 (1 oz of Sno-Cat to 5 gallons of fuel) or even 1:250 (1 oz of Sno-Cat to 2.50 gallons of fuel).
Finally a word about Cold Filter Plugging Point, also known as CFPP, is seriously affected by micron filter sizing. See this this article for more information about how fuel filter micron size matters in diesel CFPP.
We are confident that with good quality fuel added and a drained water separator, gelling will not occur, provided that the untreated fuel in the fuel system is consumed leaving way for the treated fuel to enter the entire system.
Are displayed results constant?
Q:Will I get the same results constantly?
A: You might be referring to the Chris Fix video where our product was tested.
Due to living a world full of constant changes, getting the same results down to the last drop is nearly impossible. Not because the product might not be up to it, but because there are a lot of variables that come into play.
For example you run 2 tests. The 2nd test does not bring forward the same results as the first.
The questions you need to ask yourself are:
1.Did you use the same exact fuel on the second 'test'?
2. Same filling station?
3. Same octane rating?
4. Was your car loaded any differently?
5. Was traffic the same?
6. Was it the same route, etc?
As seen in the Chris Fix video ... even he was very aware of all of these factors, right down to the temperature of the engine and atmosphere, which is another factor in why he gave it such a great review and recommendation... because he paid attention to those details in comparing before and after dosing the fuel with such a small amount.
To sum it up, the product offers the same constant results however it's hard to notice at all times since variables change from one drive to the other.
Using it on the long run while putting more miles to your car will demonstrate all of the above when you feel that the engine did not "age" as fast as the miles on it.
Can CleanBoost Maxx be used in my 2012 Nissan Maxima?
Q: Can CleanBoost Maxx be used in my 2012 Nissan Maxima?
A: Yes, CleanBoost® Maxx™ is EPA approved for use in all on-road applications, both 2 and 4 cycle fuel burning engines.
It is also oxygen sensor safe. Works well in all gas and diesel engines both for both new cars and old alike.
Can I add too much CleanBoost Maxx?
Q: What if I pour all 16oz of cleanboost maxx into a 22gal fuel tank?
A: Essentially, you will be wasting a lot of product. CleanBoost® Maxx™ is a very concentrated product and is formulated to give full benefit at a treat ratio of 1 oz to 30 gallons of diesel for gasoline.
In greater doses, both dyno and exhaust testing proves this as well... very small gains up to double dosage rates and anything over that provides nothing more gain wise. The only notable difference being a reddish exhaust color on tailpipes and exhaust valves, manifolds, etc., due to the extreme amount of combustion catalyst that is introduced to the system.
Also, no harm to any of these components, including the engine have ever been recorded during testing at these extreme dosage rates, including if you were to accidentally pour 16 oz of Maxx into a tank of fuel.
CleanBoost Maxx comparison PDF?
Q: Looking at the Maxx for my cummins 12v on a dodge ram. Do you have any comparison PDF info that I can look at and compare to others?
A: The only comparison we have is on lubricity (which is very important with ULSD fuels today). If you would like to read it, please send out an email to
Transfer Cases
Q: Can the CleanBoost EMT be added to a transfer case ? 2005 Chevy Silverado 2500
A: Yes, you can put CleanBoost EMT in safely in all chain driven transfer cases that run ATF, ATFII, ATF III, AutoTrak II, or any synthetic transfer case fluid at a mix ratio of 1 oz per quart of fluid.
The only exception are Allison branded fluids.
Liquid vs Solid CleanBoost Maxx?
Q: Is there any difference between Maxx and Fuel Pills other than liquid and solid? Is one better for gasoline applications?
A: Personally, we like to run Maxx in gasoline powered vehicles. However, the Fuel Pills do a great job in all gasoline applications. You can run either product in gasoline applications.
The fuel pills are the solid version of Maxx as they don't carry the aromatics in the physical makeup of the pills. As a side note, some racers that have to get their fuel tested prior to each run, will run our Fuel Pills over the Maxx so they don't trip up the fueling requirements, mostly due to the aromatics. These guys have reported to us they love the benefits without being flagged.
We guess to best answer your question, it is a personal preference. One of our employees runs the fuel pills in her SUV because she doesn't like messing with the the bottle, so there's a convenience factor too.
Oil additive ratio?
Q: How much oil additive should I use in a 8 quart oil pan for my 2012 Mustang GT?
A: The best option is 1 oz for every quart or 1.5 oz per quart for heavy loads… so 8 oz. should be sufficient.
E85 Fuel?
Q: Does the CleanBoost® Maxx™ work with E85? Nothing in the description or the flyer says it does or does not, can you clarify?
A: Yes CleanBoost® Maxx™ works very well in E85 fuel in that it adds necessary lubricity to upper engine components as well as the fuel system.
Even though E85 approved vehicles can safely run without the added lubricity, CleanBoost® Maxx™ adds this critical component to aid in the combustion process and help the fuel system retain the original quality of the plastics and rubber components that tend to 'dry out' without such an additive to the fuel.
EMT in automatic transmissions?
Q: Why is EMT not recommended for automatic transmissions?
A: The main reason to not put CleanBoost® EMT™ in automatic transmissions is due to how automatics use friction materials to operate the internal components. The friction materials are engineered to just the right amount of 'slip'. EMT™ wants to adhere to these friction materials and 'modify' the properties of these frictions. The more heat generated, the more it wants to adhere and reduce the friction that has been purposely engineered into this application, and therefore can cause transmission issues such as slipping and/or too high of rpm engagement.
EMT with other products?
Q: Hey, I use compression restore in my high mileage engine, as well as regular engine oil. Can I also use this product, and use all three in my engine?
A: Yes, you can use CleanBoost® EMT™ with other products including both conventional and synthetic motor oils in all internal combustion engines, gasoline and diesel.
CleanBoost Maxx safe for two stroke engines?
Q: CleanBoost Maxx safe for two stroke engines?
A: Yes, CleanBoost Maxx works well with all types of engines including two stroke. CleanBoost Maxx will also add more lubricity to your 2 stroke engine, helping it last longer.
Safe to add EMT to my trany and rear diff?
Q: I purchased your engine metal treatment to put in the trany and rear diff of my 1982 datsun 280zx. The trany is a 5 speed that requires GL4 and the rear diff is open and requires GL5. Before I add it to the amsoil synthetic gear lubes I plan to use I want to make sure it is compatible for my application and with amsoil. Thanks. Gary
A: Yes, CleanBoost® EMT™ is compatible with all conventional and synthetic gear oils (engine oils too, including Amsoil), with the exception of hydraulic oils. Should be great.
Particulate filter?
Q: I have a 2015 Ram Ecodiesel, and was wondering if Cleanboost Maxx will have any detrimental effect on my diesel particulate filter, or any other part of my emission control equipment?
A: Our experience with Maxx™ in new model diesel pickups has been very positive. Since CleanBoost® Maxx™ is an EPA registered product, it had to test well on ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) vehicles in all aspects of emissions.
You should experience lower DEF fluid usage, as well as an overall cleaner running diesel pickup, including your particulate filter.
We have not had reports of any detrimental effects at all to date.
Q: I have a Honda Civic 2000 with 11.5 fuel capacity and a 1995 & 2001 Corolla with a 13.2 to 13.5 fuel capacity.
Does 1 pill per tankful gas refill does not overdose my mixture? or 1/2 oz per tank refill with 1 oz/30gal in your mixture requirement? Much concern is 3.5 gal difference in the Civic.
A: If you double dose either the fuel pills or Maxx, it really has little to no effect on top of the original benefit.
Maxx is first and foremost a combustion catalyst and is effective at the recommended doses. If you double dose, it does not hurt anything at all, it’s just that you won't really notice anything additional either.
In other words, you will still have more power and torque, but not anything on top of that due to adding in additional CleanBoost® Maxx. The only thing it may do, is clean carbon deposits a little faster.
In our vehicle, we have a 15 gal tank. When we fill at the pump, we'll squeeze in a 1/2 oz. of Maxx unless we're only topping off, then we'll run without adding Maxx until we get to at least needing a half tank fill, then we'll squeeze in a 1/2 oz. so that it all rounds out.
We realize that we're most likely over dosing, and the only gained benefit is that the engine may keep carbon buildup down a little more but no real gain in power or economy on top of the correctly dosed mix.
Just as a side note, we do love our Maxx product.
We have also ran Fuel Pills in this same vehicle and we can't really decide which we like best!
They both pack a little punch and make our Jeep run smoother.
We have also noticed better fuel economy when we keep our foot out of the accelerator and drive normally. Ahh... the dilemma.
Differential whine sound?
Q: I have a slight whine sound coming from my Mercedes SL500 differential when I let off the accelerator easily.
I read that your EMT may help this issue and I would like your opinion what gear oil to use, meaning what weight and synthetic or not to help dampen this whining noise.
Or I can simply turn up the stereo....LOL
Your advice is much appreciated.
A: Most usually, rear differential whine during deceleration, is caused by a diminishing pinion bearing preload.
EMT can help since it treats the metal itself, however two things are of note here:
1) If this is a limited-slip differential, USE EMT AT YOUR OWN RISK! - It works so well, that in some cases it can cause a limited-slip differential to not function as well because of the added lubricity to the clutches/discs that govern slip. If this is not a limited-slip differential, then you're fine to use it.
2). When EMT is applied, the gear oil in the differential carries this Engine and Metal Treatment to the asperities of the metals to form a covalent, galvanic bond on it.
It provides a 2 to 4 micron penetration into the surface, therefore lessening heat and friction and quieting rear differential noise where applicable.
However, if it is a mechanical condition that is need of mechanical repair, EMT will not 'repair' this condition by its application alone, you would still need to have it repaired to bring it back to its original condition.
About what oil we recommend:
Unless your owners manual calls for a synthetic oil, don't use it.
We always use a GL-5 conventional oil such as Valvoline or Pennzoil 85-90W or 85-140W (check your owners manual as to the recommended weight).
We have used synthetics in the past that create gear chatter and other issues because of the missing phosphorus element that a mineral based oil contains.
Briggs and Stratton Lo206?
Q: Any of your products are working with Briggs and Stratton Lo206 (4 cycle motor)? I'm using this motor for Go karting.
A: We don't have specific data for a Briggs and Stratton Lo206, however, we have other users who own different Briggs and Stratton engines that use both CleanBoos® EMT™ and Maxx™.
Our products are tested and approved for ALL 4 cycle engines, so I believe it will work well in your application.
Q: Hi, i have a few questions about Maxx fuel additive.
1. Is it safe to use in motorcycles? Such as street bikes?
2. I'm terrible at math so how much do i add to a 10 gallon car ? (I have a '06 Corolla)
3. And (if its safe) a 4.5 gallon street bike how much should I add to that?
I appreciate your help.
A: Allow me to answer these one at a time:
1. Yes, perfect for street or off-road bikes. All 2 or 4 cycle engines, since they all use the same fuel. CleanBoost Maxx is a combustion catalyst first and foremost, so as such, it works to make gas or diesel burn at the same rate (or sometimes less) but with more energy per stroke.
2. In your Toyota, you would just squeeze a half ounce (.5 oz.) into the chamber and then into your filler neck at the pump. I do it every time I fill up on a smaller tank too.
3. In your bike, you really only need to add a quarter ounce (.25 oz.) to gain the benefits. So you could just squeeze that small of amount in and ride over to your local pump and fill 'er up.
Should be okay unless you have to go a long distance with the Maxx in it without a lot of fuel.
Not that it would hurt anything, just that when you do finally fill it, you may not be getting all that much of the Maxx into the rest of the new fuel at fill up.
Q: Hello, I seen a video on your Maxx Fuel Supplement and just had a few questions about the product.
I have a 2003 vw Jetta 1.8T that has a stage 2 APR tune. I am able to select different octane levels ranging from 91-100 and am wondering if this product would actually raise the octane level of 91 octane gas?
Also I am wondering if it is possible to buy and get this product shipped to Canada or is there a place where I can buy it local?
A: Thank you for your inquiry.
CleanBoost Maxx is a combustion catalyst first and foremost.
As such, it does work at a molecular level to help all fuels burn more efficiently, however, it does not actually raise the octane level or rating of gasoline or the cetane level of diesel fuels.
The benefits are more efficient combustion which produces more energy and less emissions per unit of fuel burned. There is the obvious savings associated with increasing the energy output of the fuel.
The increased combustion also increases efficiency by reduces fouling and corrosion thereby improving heat transfer, extending equipment life and reducing maintenance costs.
It does work especially well in turbocharged applications (gas or diesel).
Presently, we do not have a distributor in Canada. To ship there costs close to $30 USD for a 32 oz. bottle.
Q: Is your product, Maxx fuel supplement, geared more towards fuel injection cars?
I have an 1986 Dodge Ram D150 with a 5.2L 318 engine. It has a carburetor and I'm wondering if this product will help my fuel economy.
I regularly clean my carburetor because of the crappy e15 fuel. I want to make sure my truck runs for another 200k miles and I'm looking for a way to keep her rolling.
A: Maxx is made for all vehicles.
Carbureted, injection, diesel, gas, and etc. We can not guarantee mileage.
But the general response that we get from users is a 10% average increase.
We have notice more results from vehicles like yours. I use it in all of my fuel vehicles. From our snow thrower to our Duramax. It also has a lot of other positive factors as well.
CleanBoost EMT in Differential Oil?
Q: Clean Boost, I have a 1992 Chevy G-20 Van and would like to know how to add your Clean Boost EMT to my differential oil.
Do I simply add the 8 ounces to the differential oil, and would that be enough?
Is there anything that I need to know about adding this product to my differential oil?
Do you sell your products in auto parts stores in Oregon (Sisters and Bend)?
A: 4 ounces of EMT should do it.
Clutch type limited slip differentials should be avoided, since adding EMT may cause the clutches to slip more than designed.
Spring or sprag style limited slip differentials are no problem at all. Most factory G-20 vans were open differentials (meaning that when one tire spins on a slippery surface, the other wheel will not engage to assist traction) and EMT can be added no problem.
Currently, we do not have any auto parts stores stocking our products in your area. However, we offer fast and free shipping via FedEx to your location.
Fuel Pills?
Q: I was looking at your fuel pills and assume they are a oxygen type additive that should give improved performance !!
Do they also work with Diesel ?
I am racing both 2 stroke and 4 stroke outboards and always looking for performance increase.
Am I missing something on the price as the 6 pack is considerably cheaper per pill than the 50 !!
A: They are a true oxygenation product by oxygenating the fuel.
It's good in drag racing and performance for sure.
The MAXX is better suited for diesel, however the pills will work fine, just remember that you won't be giving any extra lubricity which MAXX will do for diesel applications.
The 6 pack offer is for one pack as a trial of the product at a reduced price. They are normally priced at $6.99 per 6 pack.
Direct Injection?
Q: Hello, I have a 2014 Subaru Forester XT which has a 2.0 liter direct injection turbo engine and wanted to know if it was safe to use the Cleanboost MAXX?
Also in regards to the carbon deposits that accumulate with direct injection engines, what product can I used to reduce the carbon deposits?
Can I use the Cleanboost MAXX and Fuel Pills together for a clean burn and carbon deposit removals?
A: Maxx is made for all vehicles. Carbureted, injection, diesel, gas, and etc. We can not guarantee mileage. But the general response that we get from users is a 10% average increase.
We have noticed more results from vehicles like yours. We use it in all of our fuel vehicles. From snow throwers to our Duramax. It also has a lot of other positive factors as well.
Personally we would try the Maxx with the fuel pills if you want maximum results. Because Maxx is it combustion catalyst it does very well at cleaning carbon deposits from every surface that it reaches.
You may find that just the fuel pills on their own will provide really close to the results that you would get combining the two products. You really just need to test them in your application to see what works best for you.
150cc Scooter?
Q: Would you recommend using your gas treatment and oil treatment in my new 150cc scooter?
A: Yes actually I would.
We have folks running CleanBoost® Maxx™ in everything from lawnmowers, snowblowers, dirt bikes, motorcycles to cars, trucks, etc., both gas and diesel.
Give it a try, you won't need much to dose fuel in such a small tank.
Please keep us posted and and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate.
Q: I watched Chris Fixx's video dynoing a Civic Si. I was very impressed with the repeatability of the runs in the video, this led to my purchase from you.
Do you have any experience with this product in turbocharged applications?
I'll be running it in a Sonata 2.0T and am quite interested.
A: We had a customer who reported running CleanBoost Maxx in a twin turbocharged Mustang for over a year in it and they loved it. However, they never tested it on a dyno using before and after comparisons, but they did report noticing that it seemed to run better in hotter weather with more consistency on their wideband gauge.
They also noticed a little better mileage when they kept their foot out of it (which I'm sure was hard to do).
Product type?
Q: So this product is more a performance booster than it is a fuel system cleaner correct?
A: It's a little more complicated than that. As a combustion catalyst it does a very good job of cleaning away carbon deposits in the engine as well as all fuel system components including injectors.
Add EMT to Transmission?
Q: Can the EMT additive I purchased be added to a manual tranny (NV4500) which uses a specialized castrol oil?
A: Yes, EMT is compatible and will work great in your NV4500 transmission and with all synthetic lubes.
What are the benefits of using CleanBoost pills with E0, Vpower or 92 Octane fuel ?
B: Do I still benefit if I only you pour gas (E0), like Shell Vpower or 94 Octane from Sunoco with the CleanBoost Pills?
A: Yes, the benefits are still gained when using a higher quality fuel like Vpower or Sunoco 94 Octane.
This is because the Fuel Pills are a solid combustion catalyst that helps the fuel (cheap or high grade) burn more efficiently and completely.
Sunoco 93 Fuel
Q: Hello,
Will using this product means I can stick to Sunoco 93 instead of Shell (Top tier) 93 and still get clean engine? Thank you!
A: Using Maxx will keep your entire fuel & combustion system clean from carbon and soot deposits caused by incomplete burn cycles, meaning that, yes it will keep it clean no matter which brand of fuel you're burning in your engine.
Does EP2 means it will have a NLGI 2 hardness?
Q: Does EP2 means it will have a NLGI 2 hardness? Whereas EP3 has a NLGI 3 hardness
A: Basically, EP2 grease is better suited for bearings with seals, other enclosed machinery and components, auto greasing, etc. whereas EP3 is better suited for chains, exposed gears, etc.
What is the best for car axles EP2 or NLGI grade 2?
Q: What is the best for car axles EP2 or NLGI grade 2?
If Grease have moly is it good for car?
A: Effectively, these are the same for the purposes of greasing axles. Moly greases are the very best in this application, to reduce heat and friction while allowing for excellent stability, high temperatures and water repellency
Q: I wanted to know please, can you ship this 32 oz. Maxx bottle to Israel?
I know that it is a flammable and dangerous to ship!
I'm asking about the Fedex hazards shipping method. if you can check that for me i'll be deeply appreciate it.
A: The cost of shipping via FedEx to you for 2 bottles of 32 oz.
Maxx is $71.74 USD. This is in addition to the cost of the product, which is $83.94 USD. Your total delivered cost would be $155.68 USD.
To purchase, you would need to call us here in the United States during our normal business hours. Phone: (801) 566-3977, Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (Mountain time zone).
Q: Hi, I live in Sweden and are trying to buy CleanBoost Maxx, but I cannot find anyone that will ship it here.
Are there any chance that you can ship it to Sweden? I will of course pay the extra shipping cost.
I really would like to try the product!
A: Thank you for your interest in CleanBoost Maxx.
We currently don't have any distributors in your area, however, we can ship the product to you.
It is rather expensive to ship internationally. For example, to ship a 16 oz. bottle of Maxx to your address is right at $75 USD.
Q: Why do you not have shipping to Canada on your web site order.
Do you sell this product in Canada?
A: We can ship to you in Canada. It's a little expensive however, with the shipping costs on a 16 or 32 oz right at $100.
Q: How much would the shipping to Cyprus cost for a 08oz CleanBoost Maxx?
A: Shipping a 8oz or even a 16 oz bottle is right at $60 USD for your address.
Q: Do you ship Internationally?
A: Shipping Internationally can be done, however the cost to ship is expensive.
The estimative cost can be from $50 to over $100, depending on the package size and weight. For example, to send a 16 oz bottle of Maxx to Sweden, the shipping fee was $75.00.
Shipping to Gibraltar?
Q: Hey just wanted to know if you guys would ship to Gibraltar, Europe?
A: The shipping cost of a 32 ounce bottle of Maxx for example is $110 USD
Delivery speed to UK?
Q: What is the normal delivery time from the USA to the UK?
A: Approximately 10 to 14 days, depending on customs if necessary.
Shipping to Singapore?
Q: Would you ship internationally to Singapore?
A: Yes, however it is rather expensive. You're looking right at $100 USD to ship a 32 oz. bottle of MAXX to your area.
Shipping to Indonesia?
Q: Do you ship to Jakarta, Indonesia?
A: We're looking at a shipping price of $100 for a 8oz bottle.
Distributors pricing?
Q: Does your CleanBoost® Maxx™ 16 oz. 'sale' for $29.97 apply at your distributors as well?
A: Approved Distributors generally purchase in case quantities and enjoy healthy discounts off of our retail pricing.
Are you considering becoming a distributor?
If yes, please fill out our secure distributor form and we will get back to you shortly about how you can make money selling our entire quality product line. Here's the link:
Is there a particular store that carries CleanBoost Products?
Q: Is there a particular store that carries this?
A: There are some distributors throughout the U.S. and Internationally, however at the moment, most of our sales are online with fast and free shipping at
Amazon and eBay also carry the product line.