CleanBoost® 70W™ Racing Oil 5 Gal.
CleanBoost® 70W™ Racing Oil is specifically blended for nitro-methane and methanol fuel burning engines. Our racing oil is designed to treat and protect the moving parts of internal engines with up to 10,000 horsepower. While most oils on the market do create a film bearer between moving parts, our oil’s film strength is as much as 10-times higher than other leading oils being used in today’s racing market.
CleanBoost® oil's improve initial start-up wear protection, reduce piston skirt, cylinder wear and bearing deformation, providing extended engine component life. Racing teams agree, when using CleanBoost 70w oil pressure is maintained, there’s virtually no oil foaming and engine parts look like new after engine tear down and between rounds of racing.
If you’re looking to get into the winner’s circle, let CleanBoost® Products get you there today.