

Posted by Zane Winberg on

In the last 20 years, environmental concern has taken a serious upturn. Scientists and companies are focusing on using renewable resources and more effectively using the nonrenewable resources to which we have access. New cars are advertised not only for their design and luxury, but also for their fuel efficiency. Even if you aren’t a tree-hugger concerned with preserving the environment, fuel efficiency affects you too, as it determines how much gas you buy!

Fuel efficiency has many different factors for your consideration:

  1. City vs. Highway - You may drive shorter distances in the city, but stop-and-go traffic can actually waste MORE gas. Fuel efficiency in the city can be a challenge, especially if you sometimes get stuck in bumper-to-bumper rush hours. Highway miles are longer and faster, but your engine isn’t strained with constant braking and acceleration. If you drive like: 


    you may not get the best fuel mileage. 
  2. Car Size - the bigger the car, generally the lower the fuel efficiency. It simply takes more gasoline and power to move a bigger, heavier car. If you have a big family, you need to haul boats, trailers or equipment for your job or lifestyle or you just like bigger cars you may need to pay a little more for your gas.
  3. Climate - Similarly, climate and weather might determine the type of car you buy. If you experience lots of snow, sleet, or rain you may want a bigger, heavier car, especially one with four-wheel drive to prevent getting stuck or spinning out on icy and busy roads. Sure the fuel efficiency isn’t ideal, but it’s worth it for your safety and peace of mind.
  4. Type of Fuel - Diesel fuel does much better for long distances and heavy vehicles, but tends to be more expensive than regular fuel. Depending on the way you drive you may get better fuel efficiency with a diesel engine than regular gasoline. Electric or hybrid vehicles can boast of incredible fuel efficiency, but are sometimes more expensive to buy.
  5. Miles you Drive - You may have short driving distances or a long commute. You may be able to ride your bike or walk, or you may like to take frequent road trips. The amount of miles you drive weekly or monthly can determine how important fuel efficiency will be to you.
  6. Care - Do you take care of your car? How old or new is your car? Did you buy it used? If your car is it top condition then the fuel efficiency will be peak. Engine care, avoiding collisions and regular oil changes can ensure that your car works at 100% fuel efficiency.

Assess your fuel efficiency needs whenever you are in the market for a new car or spending too much on gas!

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