

Posted by Zane Winberg on

To casual car owners, combustion is just what happens to your fuel, what gets your wheels spinning. And that’s basically it! But there is much, much more to your fuel, your engine, and all of the chemical processes that happen in your car to get you from point A to point B. Should you care about them? If you want your car to function at its highest levels, increase fuel efficiency and boost engine power - then yes. Understanding exactly how your engine works and how to promote healthy engine function is an important part of being a car owner, especially if you own a brand new car that you want to last a lifetime, or a very old car that has seen better days. A lot of people think your car simply exists, and however the engine functions is predetermined and fixed. In reality there are plenty of things you can do to improve and change your engine, to decrease risk and to keep your car running as smoothly as possible.

One concern you should have, particularly with older vehicles, is incomplete combustion. Combustion is explosion when fuels are exposed to oxygen. The explosions push the piston, converting the kinetic energy into power that turns your wheels. In an ideal world, the exact and precise amount of oxygen would enter into the combustion chamber. That way the fuel would combust evenly and perfectly, with no leftover chemicals or gases. Unfortunately, that doesn’t really happen. Too much oxygen is problematic, because it can cause larger, uncontained combustion and other environmental problems. On the other hand, unburned fuel particles represent lost heat and power, in addition to creating sludge, friction, and other dangers in your engine. If your engine is old, damaged, or otherwise operating below peak performance then incomplete combustion may be a common problem with which you’ll be dealing.

So what can you do? The first step would be to take it into an auto body shop that you trust. Have them give you a standard tune up and oil change, and ask them to check your engine for sludge, gunk, impurities, or any signs of friction. If they see any problems, then you may need to get some additional help. Cleaning or replacing your fuel injector is one option. An engine flush is another. Both will help clean up your engine and ensure that future fuel combustion is as clean and pure as possible.

But the best and easiest way to improve combustion, increase fuel efficiency, and boost your engine’s power is to start regularly using a fuel additive. Fuel additives are carefully composed chemical mixtures which are designed to bond with your fuel, making it last longer and burn more completely. This means that your engine will get every single drop of that precious fuel you purchased at the pump, which also keeps your engine as clean and sludge-free as possible. Fuel additives like Clean Boost Maxx are inexpensive and incredibly easy to use - just add them to your tank when you fill up at a gas station. They are a safe way to increase fuel efficiency and boost your engine’s power without big changes to your engine. Try some today to improve your engine combustion!

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